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Brown Bag Lecture #2 in 2025: "Views on Use of Laws for Environmental Protection: Examining the Political Partisanship Perspective on the Liberal-Conservative Divergence on Environmental Concern and Behavior"

lazarus giving lecture

Lazarus Adua presenting a Brown Bag Lecture entitled "Views on Use of Laws for Environmental Protection: Examining the Political Partisanship Perspective on the Liberal-Conservative Divergence on Environmental Concern and Behavior".

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What The Sociology & Criminology Program Can Do For You

computer screen with data analysis

Linden Hughes is an alumnus of the Sociology Department through obtaining the Criminology Certificate and uses her background in sociology/criminology everyday as a researcher for the Utah Department of Corrections. Linden was gratious enough to let us know how the Sociology & Criminolgy program helped her in her career. Here is what she had to say.

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New Sociology Faculty!

Routh, Maldonado, Packard

We are so excited to introduce you to our three newest faculty members! Katherine Maldonado, Chiara Packard, and Doug Routh have officially joined the Sociololgy Department starting this Fall 2024 semester!

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Last Updated: 8/8/24