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Interested in statistics and want to apply it to sociological problems?

Our MStat program prepares students to be broadly knowledgeable in statistics and probability theory. Students learn state-of-the-art programming and applications in the sociology area of concentration. Graduates are trained to pursue careers in industry, the public sector, or to continue doctoral studies. This applied master's program is offered in several disciplines throughout the University of Utah campus. Learn more about the program.


Students are expected to have the following prerequisite knowledge and training prior to completing the MStat required curriculum, which may extend the time to degree completion or delay a student’s ability to apply for the program:

  • At least 2 semesters of calculus, including calculus with multiple variables: (Math 1260, 1280, and 2210 or equivalent)
  • 2 semesters of basic statistics (undergraduate is fine)
  • Knowledge of matrix theory

MStat Program Requirements

MStat students should track their progress according to the MStat guidelines:

  • The Program of Study refers to the coursework and credit hours required by a graduate program. The MStat in sociology requires the successful completion of 37 credit hours, consisting of courses related to the research foundations and theories within the discipline of sociology, math/statistics, and an independent research/capstone project.
  • The Research Project is an independent research experience in which a student produces a publishable-like manuscript that uses statistical analysis to answer a specific research question within the traditions and theoretical perspectives of sociology. The paper should be of a scope that can be completed in one year given the students’ current capabilities, access to data, and any other resources needed to complete the project.


Annual Evaluation

Graduate students in the Department of Sociology are expected to

  • pass the requirements of any course in which they enroll
  • meet the expectations and milestones of their graduate program
  • adhere to standards of academic honesty
  • uphold the professional and ethical standards of the discipline

All students in the sociology graduate programs are required to complete a self-evaluation each spring (by April 1st). This self-evaluation focuses on the accomplishments and progress of the student for the past academic year, with specific attention paid to whether or not they have successfully completed program requirements that keep them on track and in good standing in the program.  

During this evaluation period, faculty members consult the self-evaluation forms submitted by each student, as well as additional documentation including:  official grades, teaching evaluations (if applicable), online grad tracking system, and written and verbal assessments from any faculty member in the department.  Funded students will also be assessed on their performance as a TA, GA, or RA, as evaluated by the faculty member who supervised their work.  Typically by mid-May, each student will receive an evaluation letter containing:  

  • A review of the student’s progress, performance, and achievement of academic goals
  • Advice for what the student should focus on in upcoming years
  • Specific timelines and expectations, if the student is deficient in any regard
  • An evaluation of the student’s performance as a TA, RA, or GA, if funded as one of these job classifications
  • Status of the student’s funding (if applicable), including if they will receive funding from the department for the following academic year (including how much), as well as the number of years of remaining TBP eligibility the student has.


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admission requirements checklist


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Graduate Contacts

Daniel Adkins

Daniel Adkins, Ph.D

Coordinator of MSTAT Studies

alana robison

Alana Robison

Administrative Assistant

Last Updated: 3/4/25