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Criminology and Corrections Certificate

This exploration will include empirical research on crime and criminal behavior, the tools and methods used to study and prevent crime and the institutions involved in the processing of juvenile and adult offenders. Open to students of any major!


The certificate must be officially declared with the Sociology academic advisor. You will be required to fill out a Certificate Declaration form and have it approved. Keep in mind, the Criminology certificate is not a major or a minor. It is an emphasis on your degree.

PRINTABLE CERTIFICATE WORKSHEET Certificate Declaration Form   Spring 2025 Criminology Certificate course availability

  • All courses must be completed with a C- or better.



SOC 3561 Criminology (3)


Complete 3 of the courses below.

SOC 1111 or CRIM 1010 Intro to Criminal Justice (3) BF

SOC 3510 Special Topics-Deviance, Crime & Law (3) 

SOC 3560 Deviant Behavior & Social Control (3) 
SOC 3562 Juvenile Delinquency (3)
SOC 3563 Good Cop, Bad Cop (3)
SOC 3564 Locked Up! (3)
SOC 3565 Women & Crime (3) DV
SOC 3566 Society and the Criminal Mind (3)
SOC 3568 Sociology of Law (3) 
SOC 3569 Terrorism, Violence, Aggression (3)
SOC 3570 Gangs and Gang Violence (3) 
SOC 3571 Murder in America (3)
SOC 3950 Research (1-3)
SOC 4891 Criminology Internship (1-3)

Criminology Allied courses (6 credits)

Complete 2 of the courses below.

ANTH 3138 Anthro of Violence & Nonviolence (3) 
ANTH 3220 Intro to Forensic Anthropology (3) AS
ANTH 5272 Forensic Anthropology (3)
ECON 5380 Law and Economics (3)
ED PS 3210 Interviewing and Counseling (3)
FCS 3215 Beginnings: Development Infancy & Childhood (3) BF
FCS 5230 Adolescent Development (3)
FCS 5370 Family Violence (3) CW
FCS 5380 Family Problems (3)
GEOG 3170 Geospatial Field Methods (3)
GEOG 3320 Geography of Terrorism & Homeland Security (3) IR
H EDU 1030 Substance Use and Abuse (3)
PHIL 3500 Ethics (3) HF
PHIL 3710 Philosophy of Law (3)
POLS 3200 Intro Law & Politics (3) BF
POLS/ CRIM 3220 Jurisprudence of Criminal Law (3)
POLS 5120 Judicial Process (3)
POLS 5211 Constitutional Law (3)
POLS 5450 Political Violence/Terrorism (3)
POLS 5610 International Law (3)
PSYCH 2200 Childhood & Adolescent Development (3)
PSYCH 2300 Psychology of Abnormal Behavior (3)
PSYCH 3215 Development in Infancy (3)
PSYCH 3250 Abnormal Child Psychology (3)
PSYCH 3260 Social & Personality Development (3)
STRAT 3410 Business Law: Commercial Environment (3)


Ready to declare? Still have questions? Discover how criminology integrates with your existing plan.


Last Updated: 2/3/25