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2024 Faculty Publications

Lazarus Adua

 Auerbach, Daniel, Brett Clark, and Lazarus Adua. 2024. “The Jevons Paradox.” Pp. 387-393 in Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Sociology, edited by Christine Overdevest. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.


Brett Clark

Auerbach, Daniel and Brett Clark. 2024. “Monopoly Capital, Militarism, and Environmental Degradation.” Denver Law Review 101(4): 793-816.

Auerbach, Daniel, Brett Clark, and Lazarus Adua. 2024. “The Jevons Paradox.” Pp. 387-393 in Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Sociology, edited by Christine Overdevest. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2024. “Imperialism in the Indo-Pacific.” Monthly Review 76(3): 1-23.


Wade Cole

Cole, Wade M., and Evan Schofer. 2024. “Destroying Democracy for the People: The Social, Economic, and Political Consequences of Populist Rule, 1990 to 2017.” Social Problems 71(4): 1135–1163.

Cole, Wade M., Evan Schofer, and John W. Meyer. 2024. “Global Liberalism, Emerging Illiberalism, and Human Rights, 1980 to 2018.” Social Science Research 120: 103001.


Katie Durante

Durante, Katherine A. and Eman Tadros. (In press). “Dimensions of Health and Well-

Being among Partners of Incarcerated Individuals.” Division on Corrections and Sentencing Handbook Series: Contemporary Issues in Health and Punishment (Vol. 9, Ch. 19), Eds. Nathan Link, Meghan Novisky, and Chantal Fahmy. New York, NY: Routledge.

Durante, Katherine A. and Amber Morczek. “Intimate Partner Violence and Relational Maintenance During Incarceration.” Journal of Family Violence.

Durante, Katherine A., Sarah Trocchio, and Cynthia Martinez. "Doomed by the Data? Latina/o/x Racialization & Sentencing Outcomes in Florida." Critical Criminology.

Durante, Katherine A., Eman Tadros, and Danielle Slakoff. “Intimate Partner Violence and Partner Incarceration: Perceived and Experienced Challenges During Reentry." Crime & Delinquency.

Tadros, Eman, Katherine A. Durante, and Candis Braxton*. "Reliability of Responsibility: A Predictor for Romantic Relationship Satisfaction and Cohesion among Incarcerated Coparents.” Journal of Child and Family Studies. 33: 2225–2237


Bethany Everett

Bethany G. Everett and Catherine J. Taylor. 2024. “Abortion and Women’s Future Socioeconomic Attainment.”American Sociological Review, 89,6.


Sarah Grineski

Grinenski, S., Maillia, D., Collins, T., Araos, M., Lin, J., Anderegg, W., Perry, K., (2024). "Harmful dust from drying lakes: Preserving Great Salt Lake (USA) water levels decreases ambient dust and racial disparities in population exposure." One Earth, 7, 6.


Akiko Kamimura 

Mauchley, O., Dinehart, C., Kang, A., Wen, M., & Kamimura, A. (2024).Experiences of Asian American College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cureus, 16(12), e76009. doi:10.7759/cureus.76009 (Impact Factor: 1.2)*The first author is a student of UROP.

Singer, E., Panahi, S., Spearman, B., & Kamimura, A. (2024) Utilization of Oral Healthcare Among Uninsured Populations During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States. Cureus, 16(12), e75609. doi:10.7759/cureus.75609 (Impact Factor: 1.2)*The first author is a student of honor’s thesis and UROP.

Chauhan, S., Breakfield, D.J., Amornnimit, D., Luceford, M., Spearman, B., & Kamimura, A. (2024). Examining the Perceptions and Experiences of Dental Care Among Immigrant Free Clinic Patients. Journal of Patient Experience, 11. doi:10.1177/23743735241305334. (Impact Factor: 1.6)*The first author is a student of honor’s thesis and UROP.

Panahi, S., Spearman, B., Sundrud, J., Lunceford, M., &Kamimura A. (2024). Covid-19 Vaccine Perception and Hesitancy Among Uninsured Free Clinic Patients. Patient Experience Journal, 11(1), 131-140. doi: 10.35680/2372-0247.1804.

Nagy, J., Telford, N. J., Ahmed, S., Thoms, S., Kamimura, A., Holsti, M. (2024).   Healthcare Team Members’ Views on Social Determinants of Health Screening and Referral Practices in a Pediatric Emergency Department. Patient Experience Journal, 11(1): 65-80. doi: 10.35680/2372-0247.1877. *The first author is a student of honor’s thesis.


Kim Korinek

Korinek, Kim, Zachary Zimmer, Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan, Yvette Young, Cao Long*, and Tranh Khanh Toan. 2024. “Cognitive Function in the Context of Early Life Wartime Stress Exposure: An Analysis of Cognitive Decline in a Cohort of Vietnamese Older Adults.” Social Science & Medicine, 349, 116800.

Korinek, Kim, Koning, Stephanie, Williams, Nathalie, and Young, Yvette. 2024. “Demography and War- Researching on Population and Health in Contexts of Armed Conflict.


Heather Melton

 Coe, K., Melton, H. C., Linder, C., Richards, J. L., Hills, W., & Moore, A. (2024). College Students’ Perceptions of a Clery Timely Warning About Sexual Assault. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 1–12.

Linder, C., Melton, H., Hills, W., Coe, K., Richards, J., & Moore, A.* (2024). “Exploring the impact of the Clery Act sexual assault warnings on a campus community” Journal of Higher Education.

Wu, G., Durante, K.A., & Melton, H.C. (2024) “Pipe Dreams: Cannabis Legalization and the Persistence of Racial Disparities in Jail Incarceration” Journal of Criminal Justice Review, 94

Melton, Heather C. (2024) “Research on Intimate Partner Sexual Assault Using Previously Unsubmitted Sexual Assault Kits” Women and Criminal Justice,

Linder, C., Richards, J., Melton, H., Griffiths, A.*, Peters, C.*, & Lund, H.* (2024). “Words matter: How college students use and understand terms related to intimate partner, dating, and sexual violence” Journal of College Student Development, 65(1), 1-17.


Marcel Paret

Paret, Marcel, and Zachary Levenson. Forthcoming. “Communists and Black Liberation Movements: Divergent Trajectories in the United States and South Africa, 1939-1969.” Social Forces.

Paret, Marcel, and Zachary Levenson. Forthcoming. “South Africa’s Radicals: The Anti-Apartheid Movement’s Forgotten Wing.” Souls.

Paret, Marcel. 2024. “Reconstructing Burawoy: Theorizing Migrant Labor, the Politics of Precarity, and Postcolonial/Racial Transformations.” Critical Sociology 50(6): 943-953.

Paret, Marcel, and Zachary Levenson. 2024. “Two Racial Capitalisms: Marxism, Domination, and Resistance in Cedric Robinson and Stuart Hall.” Antipode 56(5): 1802-1829.


Megan Reynolds

Reynolds, Megan M. and Sandro Galea. “Opportunities and Priorities in the Study of Power towards Better Understanding of Population Health Inequities.” Forthcoming at American Journal of Public Health.

Reynolds, Megan M. and Patricia Homan. 2023. “Income Support Policies and Birth Outcomes in U.S. States.” Population Research and Policy Review. 42 (73). 


Rebecca Utz

 Thompson A.D., Utz R.L. (2024).  End-of-life doulas: A systematic integrative review and redirection. Gerontologist. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnae144.

 Clayton, J. L.,Utz, R. L., Aruscavage, N., Bybee S. G., Bigger, S., Iacob, E., & Dassel, K. B. (2024). Using community engagement with frame: Framework for reporting adaptations and modifications to evidence-based interventions.  Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 42, 101398.

Thompson, A.D., Utz, R.L. (2024). Online surveys: lessons learned in detecting and protecting against insincerity and bots. Quality and Quantity .

Solkowski, L. E., Utz, R. L., & Dassel, K. B. (2024). The association of religion with advance care planning. Death Studies, 1–8.

Sparks, C., Hsu, A.,Neller, S.A., Eaton, J., Thompson, A., Wong, B., Iacob, E., Terrill, A.L., Caserta, M., Stark, L. and Utz, R.L., (2024). Comparison of recruitment methodologies for clinical trials: Results from the Time for Living and Caring (TLC) Intervention Study. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 140, p.107518.

Hollingshaus, M., Smith, K. R., Meeks, H., Ornstein, K., Iacob, E., Tay, D., Stephens, C., & Utz, R. L. (2024). Mortality risk following end-of-life caregiving: A population-based analysis of hospice users and their families. Social Science & Medicine, 348, 116781.

 Thompson, A. D., Sparks, C., Wong, B., Iacob, E., Terrill, A. L., Caserta, M., & Utz, R. L. (2024). Using Digital Inequality Framework to Evaluate a Technology-Delivered Intervention for Caregivers: Age, Education, and Computer Proficiency. Journal of Aging and Health.


Guangzhen Wu

Wu, G., Durante, K. A., & Melton, H. C. (2024). Pipe dreams: Cannabis legalization and the persistence of racial disparities in jail incarceration. Journal of Criminal Justice94, 102230.

Wu, G., & Cullenbine*, R. R. (2024). Recreational marijuana legalization and drug-related offenses in Washington State: an interrupted time series analysis with a combination of synthetic controls. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 1-26.

Makin, D. A., Wu, G., Broussard, M., & Krishnamoorthy, B. (2024). Predicting Police Integrity: An Application of Support Vector Machines (SVM) to the Police Integrity Instrument. Asian Journal of Criminology, 1-25.

Wu, G., Biskupiak+, A., Mei, X., & Song, Y. (2024). Impact of recreational cannabis legalization on adolescent cannabis use in Washington State. Youth & Society, 1-19.

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Last Updated: 2/3/25