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Faculty Publications 2020

Adkins, D.E.

**Ahmmad, Z., Adkins, D.E., (2020). Ethnicity and acculturation: Asian American substance use from early adolescence to mature adulthood. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, (In press).

**Alley, J., **Owen, R.Y., **Wawrzynsk, S.E., **Lasrich, L., **Ahmmad, Z., Utz, R., Adkins, D.E., (2020). Illness, social disadvantage, and risky sexual behavior in adolescence and the transition to adulthood. Archives of Sexual Behavior, (In press).


Adua, L.

Adua, L., Clark, B., York, R., (2021). “The Ineffectiveness of Efficiency: The Paradoxical Effects of State Policy on Energy Consumption in the United States.” Energy Research & Social Science 71 (2021) 101806.

Adua, L., Lobao, L., (2020). The Political-Economy of Local Land-Use Policy: Place-Making and the Relative Power of Business, Civil Society, and Government. The Sociological Quarterly.


Clark, B.

Clark, B., Foster, J.B., (2020). The Robbery of Nature. New York: Monthly Review Press.

Clark, B., Balistreri, K., Givens, J., Jorgenson, A.K., Hill, T., Thombs, R., Ore, P., (2020). Power, Proximity, and Physiology: Does Income Inequality and Racial Composition Amplify the Impacts of Air Pollution on Life Expectancy in the United States?. Environmental Research Letters 15(2): 024013.

DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab6789.


Cole, W.M.

Cole, W.M., Geist, C., (2021). “Conceiving of Contraception: World Society, Cultural Resistance, and Contraceptive Use, 1970 to 2012.” Social Forces, forthcoming. Available ahead of print at

Cole, W.M., (2020). “Working to Protect Rights: Women’s Civil Liberties in Cross-Cultural Perspective.” Social Science Research, forthcoming.

Cole, W.M., **Perrier, G., (2020). “Is Religion Really the Enemy of Human Rights? A Reply to Cingranelli and Kalmick.” Human Rights Quarterly 42: 902–932.


Everett, B.

Everett, B.G., Mollborn, S., Jenkins, V., Limburg, A., Diamond, L. (2020). Racial/Ethnic Differences in Unwanted Births: Moderation by Sexual Orientation. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82(4), 1234-1249.


Limburg, A., Everett, B.G., Mollborn, S., Kominiarek, M.A. (2020). Sexual Orientation Disparities in Preconception Health. Journal of Women’s Health, 29(6), 755-762.


Gaytán, M.S.

Gaytán, M.S., Inventing Margarita: Femininity, Fantasy, and Consumption in Craig Owens and Stephen Schneider’s (eds.), The Shaken and Stirred. 203-223.


Alvarez-Gutiérrez, Leticia, Fukushima, A., and Gaytán M.S. (2020). Essential Latinx Educators: Teaching in a Time of Pandemic. Latinx Talk.


Geist, C.

Geist, C., Greenberg, K., Luikenaar, R., Mihalopulous, N., (2020). Pediatric Research and Health Care for Transgender and Gender Diverse Adolescents and Young Adults: Improving (Biopsychosocial) Health Outcomes. Academic Pediatrics, available online ahead of print. DOI: 10.1016/j.acap.2020.09.010


Gully, B., Geist, C., (2020). Godly Husbands and Housework: An International Comparison of the Role of Religion in Men’s Participation in Domestic Labor. Social Compass.


Geist, C., Cole, W.M., Beyond Geography: Cultural Zones and Global Patterns of Modern-method Contraceptive Use. Health Care for Women International. 


Grineski, S.

**Flores, A. , *Castor, A., Grineski, S., Collins, TW, **Mullen, C. 2020. Petrochemical releases disproportionately affected socially vulnerable populations along the Texas Gulf Coast after Hurricane Harvey.  Population and Environment. DOI: 10.1007/s11111-020-00362-6                  


**Flores, A., Collins, T., Grineski, S., *Griego, A., **Mullen, C., **Nadybal, S., **Renteria, R., **Rubio, R., **Shaker., Y., and *S. Trego. 2020. Environmental Justice in the Disaster Cycle: Hurricane Harvey and the Texas Gulf Coast. Environmental Justice. DOI: 10.1089/env.2020.0039


Kamimura, A.

Truman, T., Chernenko, A., *Higham, R., **Ahmmad, Z., Pye, Mu., Sin, K., Griffiths, A., & Kamimura, A. (2020). Knowledge, beliefs, and experiences about immunization among refugees resettled in the United States from the Thailand-Myanmar (Burma) border.  International Journal of Health Promotion and Education.  DOI: 10.1080/14635240.2020.1747518


Truman (Health Society & Policy)’s honor’s thesis

Higham – undergraduate student in Sociology and Health Society & Policy at that time

Chernenko, Ahmmad and Griffiths are PhD students in Sociology


Kamimura, A., Trinh, H. N., *Hurley, J., *Izampuye, E., & Nguyen, H. Knowledge and perceptions of contraceptive health among college students in Vietnam and the United States. International Journal of Sexual Health. DOI: 10.1080/19317611.2020.1846655


Hurley - undergraduate student in Sociology and Health Society & Policy at that time

Izampuye - undergraduate student in Health Society & Policy


Korinek, K.

Korinek, K., Young, Y., Teerawichitchainan, B., Nguyen Thi Kim, C., *Kovnick, M., Zimmer, Z. (2020) Is War Hard on the Heart? Gender, Wartime Stress and Late Life Cardiovascular Conditions in a Population of Vietnamese Older Adults. Social Science & Medicine, 265, 1-11.

**Aguilera, G., Korinek, K. (2020). Immigrant Fertility in Comparative Perspective: South Africa and the United States. Demography, 57(1), 297-322.


Martinez, T.A.

Martinez, T.A., (2020). Black, Brown, and White: Oppositional Performance in American Blues and R&B Music. Race, Gender & Class: An Interdisciplinary Journal. (Forthcoming)


Paret, M.

Paret, M., (2020). The community strike: From precarity to militant organizing. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 61, 159-177.

Paret, M., (2020). The persistent protest cycle: A case study of contained political incorporation. Current Sociology, 1-18. DOI: 10.1177/0011392120932936



Reynolds, M.M., Veerle, B., (2020). Organized Labor and Depression in Europe: Making Power Explicit in the Political Economy of Health. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 61(3):342-358

Reynolds, M.M., Fox, M.F., Wen, M., Varner, M., (2020). Is Less More? Examining the Relationship between Food Assistance Generosity and Childhood Weight. Population Health. August(11). 



**Tracy E. & Utz R.L. (forthcoming) For Better or For Worse: Marital Quality & Health Among Midlife Married Couples.  at Journal of Aging & Health.

*Alley, J., *Owen, R., *Wawrzynsk, S, *Lasrich, L., **Ahmmad, Z., Utz, R.L., Adkins, D.E. (forthcoming). Illness, social disadvantage, and risky sexual behavior in adolescence and the transition to adulthood. Archives of Sexual Behavior

Carr, D., & Utz, R.L., (2020).  Families in Later Life: A Decade in Review. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82 (1), 346-363.

Utz, R.L., Terrill, A., & *Thompson, A., (2020) Online Caregiver Interventions: The Use of Community-Engaged Research Practices.  Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community

*Miller, L.M., Utz, R.L., Supiano, K., Lund, D., Caserta, M.S., (2020).  Health Profiles of spouse caregivers:  The role of active coping and the risk for developing prolonged grief symptoms.  Social Science & Medicine, 266 (113455)



Wu, G., Wen, M., Fernando, W., (2020). Impact of recreational marijuana legalization on crime: Evidence from Oregon. Journal of Criminal Justice.

Wu, G., Jianhong, L., Francis, D.B., **Shan, C., **Honglan, S., (2020). Do social bonds matter? Social control theory and its relationship to desistance from substance abuse in China. Journal of Drug Issues.

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Last Updated: 1/24/25