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Abortion and Women's Future Socioeconomic Attainment

Professional Women

We are proud to share Bethany Everett's paper "Abortion and Women's Future Socioeconomic Attainment" that was just published in the American Sociological Review. Bethany is an Associate Professor in the Sociology Department at the University of Utah. Read the full paper at

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New Sociology Faculty!

Routh, Maldonado, Packard

We are so excited to introduce you to our three newest faculty members! Katherine Maldonado, Chiara Packard, and Doug Routh have officially joined the Sociololgy Department starting this Fall 2024 semester!

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Sociology & U Benefit: Performance Art on Race, Class & Gender

Sociology Fundraiser Poster

Please join us for our annual “Sociology & U Benefit: Performance Art on Race, Class & Gender”. It is on Friday, September 6th at 6:00pm at Salt Lake Acting Company located at 168 West 500 North. poster, created This year's post was created by Luis Novoa— a Sociology alum and Sociology Community Scholarship recipient. We have a roster of great performers for the evening. We’re also partnering this year with a colleague from the Department of Theatre to bring in a new slate of performers. It’s shaping up to be quite an exciting evening!

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Last Updated: 8/8/24