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Global & Comparative Sociology Area Exam Reading List
Sociology of Race/Ethnicity

Alexander, Michelle. 2010. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. New York: The New Press.


Anzaldúa, Gloria. 1987. Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza. San Francisco, CA: Aunt Lute Books.


Bobo, Lawrence and Vincent L. Hutchings. 1996. “Perceptions of Racial Group Competition: Extending Blumer’s Theory of Group Position to a Multiracial Social Context.” American Sociological Review 61: 951-972.


Bonacich, Edna. 1972. “A Theory of Ethnic Antagonism: The Split Labor Market.” American Sociological Review 37: 547-559.


Bonacich, Edna. 1973. “A Theory of Middleman Minorities.” American Sociological Review 38: 583-594.


Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo. 2003. Racism Without Racists: Color-Blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in the United States. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.


Brodkin, Karen. 1998. “How Did the Jews Become White Folks?” in How Jews Became White Folks and What that says About Race in America. Rutgers: Rutgers University Press: 25-52.


Brubaker, Rogers. 2006. Ethnicity Without Groups. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.


Chavez, Leo. 2008. The Latino Threat: Constructing Immigrants, Citizens, and the Nation. Stanford: Stanford University Press.


Collins, Patricia Hill. 1991. Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment. New York: Routledge. [“Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment,” pp. 221-238.]


Collins, Patricia Hill. 2005. Black Sexual Politics: African Americans, Gender, and the New Racism. New York: Routledge. Press.


Crenshaw, Kimberle. 1993. “Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color.” Stanford Law Review 43: 1241-1299.


Dávila, Arlene. 2001. Latinos Inc. The Marketing and Making of a People. Berkeley: University of California Press.


DuBois, W. E. B. 1903. “Of Our Spiritual Findings.” In The Souls of Black Folk.


Espiritu, Yen. 1993. Asian American Panethncitiy: Bridging Institutions and Identities. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.


Feagin, Joe R. 2000. Racist America: Roots, Current Realities, and Future Reparations. New York: Routledge.


Gaytán, Marie S. 2014. “Intoxicating Icons: Pancho Villa, Masculinity, and US-Mexican Relations.” Pp. 43-63 in ¡Tequila! Distilling the Spirit of Mexico. Stanford: Stanford University Press.


Martin Gilens. 1996. “ ‘Race Coding’ and White Opposition to Welfare.” American Political Science Review 90: 593-604.


Gilroy, Paul. 1993. The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness. Harvard: Harvard University Press.


Goldberg, David Theo. 2009. The Threat of Race: Reflections on Racial Neoliberalism. Malden: Blackwell.


Haney-López, Ian. 1996. “The Social Construction of Race.” Pp. 191-203 in Critical Race Theory: The Cutting Edge. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.


Hall, Stuart. 1980. “Race, Articulation, and Societies Structured in Dominance.” Pp. 305-345 in Sociological Theories: Race and Colonialism. UNESCO.


Hall, Stuart. 1986. “Gramsci’s Relevance for the Study of Race and Ethnicity.” Journal of Communication Inquiry 10(2): 5-27.


Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette. 2007. Doméstica: Immigrant Workers Cleaning and Caring in the Shadow of Affluence. Berkeley: University of California Press.


Hooks, Bell. 1981. Ain’t I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism. Boston, MA: South End Press.


HoSang, Daniel Martinez, Oneka LaBennett, and Laura Pulido. 2012. Racial Formation in the Twenty-First Century. Berkeley: University of California Press.


Huntington, Samuel P. 2004. “The Hispanic Challenge.” Foreign Policy March/April: 30-45.


Jimenez, Tomas R. 2004. “Negotiating Ethnic Boundaries: Multiethnic Mexican Americans and Ethnic Identity in the United States.” Ethnicities 4(1):74-97.


Kao, Grace and Jennifer S. Thomspon. 2003. “Racial and Ethnic Stratification in Educational Achievement and Attainment.” Annual Review of Sociology 29: 417-442.


Katznelson, Ira. 2005. When Affirmative Action Was White. New York: W.W. Norton.


Kibria, Nazli. 2000. “Race, Ethnic Options, and Ethnic Binds: Identity Negotiations of Second Generation Chinese and Korean Americas.” Sociological Perspectives 43: 77-95.


Kymlicka, Will. 1995. Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights. New York: Oxford University Press.


Lareau, Annette. 2002. “Invisible Inequality: Social Class and Childrearing in Black Families and White Families.” American Sociological Review 67(5): 747-776.


Lareau, Annette, and Erin McNamara Horvat. 1999. “Moments of Social Inclusion and Exclusion: Race, Class, and Cultural Capital in Family-School Relationships.” Sociology of Education 72: 37-53.


Lewis, Oscar. 1966. “The Culture of Poverty.” Scientific American 215(4): 19-25.


Lie, John. 2004. Modern Peoplehood. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.


Lipsitz, George. 1995. “The Possessive Investment in Whiteness: Racialized Social Democracy and the ‘White’ Problem in American Studies.” American Quarterly 47(3): 369-387.


Loewen, James W. 1988. The Mississippi Chinese, 2nd ed. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland.


Marx, Anthony W. 1998. Making Race and Nation: A Comparison of the United States, South Africa, and Brazil. New York: Cambridge University Press.


Massey, Douglas and Mary Denton. 1993. American Apartheid. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


Menjívar, Cecilia and Leisy J. Abrego. 2012. “Legal Violence: Immigration Law and the Lives of Central American Immigrants.” American Journal of Sociology 117(5): 1380-1421.


Morning, Ann. 2008. “Reconstructing Race in Science and Society: Biology Textbooks, 1952-2002.” American Journal of Sociology 114 Suppl.: S106-S137.


Nagel, Joane. 1995. “American Indian Ethnic Revival: Politics and the Resurgence of Identity.” American Sociological Review 60(6): 947-965.


Ogbu, John U. 1990. “Minority Education in Comparative Perspective.” Journal of Negro Education 59(1): 45-57.


Oliver, Melvin and Shapiro, Thomas. 1995. Black Wealth, White Wealth: A New Perspective on Racial Inequality. New York: Routledge University Press.


Olzak, Susan. 2006. The Global Dynamics of Racial and Ethnic Mobilization. Stanford: Stanford University Press.


Omi, Michael and H. Winant. 1994. Racial Formation in the United States, third ed. New York: Routledge.


Portes, Alejandro and Min Zhou. 1993. “The New Second Generation: Segmented Assimilation and Its   Variants.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences 530: 74–96.


Quadagno, Jill. 1994. The Color of Welfare: How Racism Undermined the War on Poverty. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Royster, Dee. 2004. Race and the Invisible Hand: How White Networks Exclude Black Men from Blue Color Jobs. Berkeley: University of California Press.


Said, Edward. 2003. “Preface to Orientalism.” Al-Ahram Weekly On-line 650. Available at:


Smedley, Audrey. 1993. Race in North America: Origin and Evolution of a Worldview. Boulder: Westview Press Inc.


Skrentny, John D. 2002. The Minority Rights Revolution. Cambridge, MA: Belknap (Harvard University Press).


Steinberg, Stephen. 1989. The Ethnic Myth: Race, Ethnicity and Class in America. Boston: Beacon.


Stone, John and Polly Rizova. 2014. Racial Conflict in Global Society. Cambridge: Polity.


Telles, Edward. 2006. Race in Another America: The Significance of Skin Color in Brazil. Princeton: Princeton University Press.


Wacquant, Loic. 20002. “From Slavery to Mass Incarceration: Rethinking the ‘Race Question’ in the United States.” New Left Review 13: 41-60.


Waters, Mary. 2009. “Social Science and Ethnic Options.” Ethnicities, 9(1): 130-135.


Wilson, William. 1978. The Declining Significance of Race: Blacks and Changing American Institutions. Chicago: Chicago University Press.


William Julius Wilson. 1996. “From Institutional to Jobless Ghettos.” Pp. 3-24 in When Work Disappears: The World of the New Urban Poor. New York: Vantage Books.


Williams, David R., and Pamela Braboy Jackson. 2005. “Social Sources of Racial Disparities.” Health Affairs 24: 325-334.


Winant, Howard. 2001. The World is a Ghetto: Race and Democracy Since World War II. New York: Basic Books.


Wu, Frank H. 2002. “The Model Minority: Asian American Success as a Race Relations Failure.” pp 39-77 in Yellow: Race in America Beyond Black and White. New York: Basic Books.


Zuberi, Tukufi and Eduardo Bonilla-Silva. 2008. White Logic, White Methods: Racism and Methodology. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield.

Last Updated: 4/12/21